Main Page
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Getting started
Minnstf Links
- Mnstf web page
- Minnstf Records Page - Bylaws, older Board minutes, tax records
- Recent Minnstf Board Minutes in Wiki format
Minnstf History
The Floundering Fathers Panel - An interview with Minnstf founders Nate Bucklin, Ken Fletcher, Fred Haskell, Frank Stodolka, and Jim Young, circa 1977
Minicon stuff
Minicon History
- Minicon is on Wikipedia!
- Wikipedia list of past Minicons- 3 lines for each con
- Minicon mini-history - quick summary of recent Minicons including name of chair and attendance
- Minicons 1-30, detailed summary
- Fred's Minicon history, 1-39 - includes dates, hotel, GOH, and attendance
Resources for con-running
Blog Recipe
==== Moderator Tip Sheet