M49 Programming Brainstorm

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GOH Events

Catherynne M. Valente Interview

Attend an interview with the multi-Hugo nominated and Hugo Award winner Catherynne M. Valente

SF Squeecast

Discuss the Hugo awarding winning Podcast with SF Squeecast co-host Catherynne M. Valente.

Janny Wurts Interview

Attend an interview with the multi-award winning author The Cycle of Fire trilogy, Wars of Light and Shadow, and Empire Trilogy.

Don Maitz Art

Art by Don Maitz including Fantasy, Maritime, and who could forget, the "A little Captain in ya" Captain Morgan.

Janny Wurts Art

Art by Janny Wurts including Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Art of the Cosmos

Catherynne M. Valente Concert

In addition to her writing credits, Ms. Valente is also an accomplished musician. Would she be interested in a spot in the concert schedule?

Live Art Demonstration

Don Maitz, Janny Wurts or both at the same time.

The History of the Prester John Legend

From the 12th to 17th centuries, the legends of priest-king Prester John were popular in Europe. The story captured the imagination of Europeans, who translated it into many languages and embellished upon the original story. What made this story go viral (by medieval standards)? How did the legend influence exploration, European expansion, and exploitation? Cat Valente has written two Prester John novels, The Habitation of the Blessed and The Folded World, with a third novel forthcoming (hopefully). She has also uploaded a YouTube video, John: International Man of Mystery, explaining the history of the medieval legend of Prester John, as told by action figures.


Industrial Strength Super Bubbles

Minicon will be later in the year than it usually is. Maybe we can combine this with Richard Tatge's Bubbles in an outdoor venue.

Fandom and Zeitgeist


Matt McMillan Gaming Panel




Science and Technology

M49 at M49

M49 is a elliptical galaxy in the Virgo cluster, and one of many objects that is barely visible in the city night sky with a telescope. An interactive discussion of parking lot astronomy.

