M46 Programming
Minicon 46 Programming Panels
This is the list of Panels for Minicon 46. To sign up to be a panelist, please send an email to programming@minicon46.mnstf.org List the panels that you are interested in by title. You may also include requests about when you'd like your panels to be scheduled.
Arts, Crafts, Costuming
Arts Vs. Crafts
For those who produce works of both sorts, what distinguishes art from craft? When does craft transcend its defining characteristics to be counted as art? Why do we distinguish art as a separate category? For those who specialize in one area or the other, how does craft improve art, art inform craft?
Beer Brewing and Wine Making - It's All in the Variables
Homebrewing has exploded in popularity over the last few years; even the President's official chef is in on it. Because there are so many variables to tinker with, brewing at home is a fabulous, geeky hobby! What are your favorite local supply stores, and what do you like about those? How do we feel about malt extract vs. all grain brewing? Bottling or kegging? How about fruit beers and ciders? What's the best use for spent grain? Could this panel be followed by a tasting in the bar?
Clever and Creative Photography at Conventions
Appropriate lighting and the use of a flash, catching 'candid' shots, choosing and framing your subject, how to spot the background clutter... All of this, and more, adds up to tips to help preserve and share your convention memories. May include before- and after-style examples.
Cthulu Art
Everyone is going CRAZY for Cthulhu! Bring your favorite creation to display or share, and maybe you'll be among the last to be eaten.
Maker Resources
IKEA hacks and other DIY.
Papercraft and Origami Roundtable
Share your favorite paper art resources and techniques.
Steampunk Art, Design, Craft and Costuming
This mashup of Science Fiction, Alternate History and Speculative Fiction is probably best known for its striking visual style. How do artists effectively use the "steampunk" theme? What are some materials and methods that we like? "Steampunk" is sometimes criticized for favoring visual elements over content. What pitfalls should artists avoid in order to effectively keep a central focus to their pieces?