GoH Department

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Guest of Honor (GoH) Department and Guest Liaison Responsibilities

Pre-con Responsibilities

Soon after Guest is announced

  • GoH (Department Head) sends intro email to collect basic information Sample GoH Letter

September - December Timeframe

  • Contact GoH (Department Head has initial responsibility and will provide 'virtual' introduction once liaisons are assigned)
  • Get GoH interests and communicate those to Programming and Music
    • Provide link (as appropriate) to Programming Wiki
  • Get +1 information (who is attending with GoH)
    • Preferred Badge Name
  • Get +1 interests (are they interested in being on certain panels, etc.) or is this a pro handler?
  • Arrange travel - Either book travel and get reimbursed or send travel requests to Chair for purchase
    • We attempt to keep the cost under $550 per flight.
    • Need name on state ID and Birthdate for airlines
    • Ask for rewards program information for booking
  • Communicate travel to Chair, Programming, Hotel
  • Communicate GoH and +1 info to Registration
  • Assign Guest Liaison's to GoH - Inform Programming of assignments
  • Get short Bio (1-2 paragraphs) for early PR's - send to Publications

December - February Timeframe

  • Stay copied on all communication from Art, Music, and Programming to GoH
  • Notify Programming, Art of any extra scheduling from Guest (signings, etc.)
  • Send Former GoH letter (at discretion of Chair)
  • Request picture of GoH from the GoH for Program Book
  • Get longer Bio (~1 page) for Program Book - send to Publications
  • Review schedule as it is built for GoH perspective
  • Review Kaffeeklatch (or variant) and location
  • Get pens for signings
  • Communicate mobile number so GoH can call/text liaison
  • Provide Department head mobile number as backup for liaison
  • Provide shipping information for Art GoHs

Work Party

  • Get GoH badges, schedules (full registration envelope)
  • Get GoH stipend ($50/day for GoH)
  • Get a copy of schedules for liaison
  • Make a sign to take to the airport
  • Verify with Hotel that GoH rooms are set for late check-out on final day

At-con Responsibilities

For the purposes of this section, consider everything from the end of the work party until the GoH flies home to be At-con.


  • GoH Department Head to work with Hotel to get keys for GoH rooms
  • Verify Keys, Stipend, Badges, Schedule, Program Book, Pocket Guide ready for GoH


  • Park in MSP Short Term parking
  • Review flight / baggage claim information
  • Bring GoH and +1 to Hotel
  • Deliver to room
  • Deliver Keys, Stipend, Badges, Schedule, Program Book, Pocket Guide
  • Arrange to meet the GoH after they have settled in
  • Provide tour of rooms to acquaint them with layout - Consuite, Bar, Green Room, Art Show, Music, Programming Rooms
  • Arrange time to accompany GoH to Reception - Verify GoH has time to eat or provide food prior to Reception
  • Remember to remind the GoH that GoH can call us with any questions or needs
  • Provide the time for late check-out on final day, arrange logistics (is there a good time to move luggage to liaison vehicle, store it with Concierge, etc.)

Each Day of Con

  • Arrange escort to/from Green Room and Programming, as desired
  • Make sure they get to their panels (be their external scheduling brain)
  • Bring pens to panels and signings
  • Review published limit and ask members to cycle through line if they exceed signing limit
  • Make sure GoH has time to eat and has breaks between activities
  • For panels / events that require tech (A/V) - arrive early, work with Programming to test
  • For music events, arrange with Programming and Music for sound-check, etc.
  • You also need to be available whenever they are for the same as above - no getting drunk while they are still doing panels/music, etc. You also need to be up when they need to be up, so you either skip some sleep or live on their schedule for a couple of days. You might also need to take them places, like MOA or MIA or whatever they want/need to do outside of the convention.

When it is time for the GoH to depart for home

  • Get luggage to vehicle
  • Drop GoH off at airport
  • Come back for the Dead Dog Party!

General Notes

  • Keep receipts for reimbursement
  • Liaison may need to occasionally ask a Member to move on or otherwise fend off an overly zealous fan


This page supersedes Interaction between GoH and Registration