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These are questions that the person running registration might need to know the answers to, but that probably do not need to be explicitly pushed out to the members on a FAQ page or anything like that (although if they're curious, they can certainly read this).

I'm a pro, how do I register?

You may get asked this. Here's a canned answer:

"Minicon does not have special registration for professionals. Please register by mail or on the web using the ordinary system."

Optional elaboration: "Minicon is an all-volunteer organization that keeps costs down and fosters a sense of community by treating everyone equally. Even the people doing the most work on the convention pay full price for their registrations. Besides the issue of equality, it is sometimes not obvious who is a professional and who is not; we prefer to avoid this can of worms. The only exception to our everyone-pays policy is current and former Guests of Honor, and occasionally other current invited Special Guests/Honored Guests/etc."

The optional elaboration might should be edited for tact depending on who you are sending it to.

Do I let someone upgrade from a supporting membership to a day membership?

The precedent is yes. We don't publish a rate for this rare case, but at least at Minicon 43 and 44 Carol invented a reasonable rate on the spot. A decent formula is (cost of at-the-door day membership) - (cost of supporting membership) - $5. This way they effectively get $5 off for having payed in early.

Canadians don't have to pay up front?

We used to have a policy that Canadians who wanted to preregister could declare that they were doing so without actually paying, and then pay the prereg rate current when they made that declaration when they arrived at the door. (Matt speaking) the origins of this are murky to me, but I have been passively discouraging it since M45 pre-reg opened since it has recently been used by a very small number of people (less than 5) and is a complication I'd rather avoid. By "passively discouraging" I mean that it is not offered as an option anywhere, but I haven't actually told anyone they can't do it.

No one has asked to do it for Minicon 45. Nevertheless, someone might ask. I think the correct approach is to actively discourage by querying them about why they are unable to pay now, but will be able to later. If they have a genuine reason, let them do it.

How do I do transfers?

(Matt speaking) I simply change the name and contact information in the database for the affected record, and make a note in the comments field saying who used to own this registration.